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SB995: Workplace Accommodations for Pregnant Individuals

Impact on Libraries

The bill impacts libraries as employers – it covers any business or nonprofit with more than one employee. It will make it unlawful for an employer to refuse an employee’s request for a reasonable accommodation, unless doing so would represent an undue hardship to the employer. Reasonable accommodations include providing periodic rest or a chair for an employee who stands for a long period of time, assistance with heavy lifting, access to drinking water, uncompensated break time and temporary job restructuring. Additionally, the legislation will forbid employers from denying employment opportunities to employees based on their request for accommodations.
Federal ADA law already requires employers with more than 50 employees to take these steps; this law enshrines it on the state level and also lowers the threshold for those required to comply with the law.
Previously introduced last session as SB716 as a companion to HB990.

Sponsorship Memoranda


  • Referred to Senate Labor & Industry Committee December 8, 2023