What is business travel? Business travel is any traveling undertaken on behalf of a business or organization away from the building (here: your library). It…
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The IRS and state governments have continuing concerns about “unfair competition” between tax-exempt nonprofits and small businesses. They pay strict attention to a charitable nonprofit…
Comments closedHow do I know what level of certification I need/have earned? The required certification level is determined by the Regulations and is tied to service…
Comments closedWhat is Right-To-Know? The purpose of Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law is to give the public access to public records. Every record of an Agency…
Comments closedWhat does my library need to know about maintaining nonprofit status? Nonprofit status is determined on two levels: state and federal. The Federal nonprofit designation…
Comments closedWhat is the difference between privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity? Privacy refers to an individual’s right to control the extent, timing, and circumstances of sharing oneself…
Comments closedWhat is the Statewide Library Card Program? Formerly known as the Access PA Program, The Statewide Library Card (SLC) Program’s purpose is to increase the…
Comments closedWho is required to have their clearances? How do I determine which employees in my library need clearances? Keep Kids Safe advises using these, then…
Comments closedWhat does HSLC stand for? What do they do? Hosting Solutions & Library Consulting (formerly known as Health Sciences Libraries Consortium). HSLC is a nonprofit…
Comments closedWhat types of licenses are available for charitable nonprofits? What activities are nonprofits permitted to offer with its license? The law authorizes eligible organizations licensed…
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